Metropark is a member of the International Parking Community (IPC)Accredited Operators Scheme (AOS). The IPC is an independent body which promotes best practise, in the parking sector throughout the UK and Europe.
The aim of the AOS Code of Practice is to describe “best practice” for parking operators that carry out parking control enforcement on private land and ensure they uphold the principles of the Code.
By creating the Code, the IPC has set out the minimum standards by which parking operators will be judged by anyone coming into professional contact with them.
Members, of the AOS (Accredited Operator Scheme) must demonstrate that they have systems and procedures in place to ensure compliance with the AOS Code.

The Code describes the objectives of these systems and procedures, and the standards of conduct and practice within which AOS members should work.
IOS members must be aware of their legal obligations and implement the relevant legislation and guidance when operating their businesses. Examples of relevant law are:
• Contract Law
• Tort of Trespass
• Data Protection Law
• Consumer Protection Law
• Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 POFA
• DVLA Guidelines for Trade Associations
• Equality’s Law